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Mission & Vision

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                 By creating an original and contemporary teaching structure; Our mission is to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of our region and our country by training occupational-technical personel, sensitive to society, equipped with qualities that will make a difference, preferred in their fields and  also who have professional awareness and entrepreneurial spirit        


              With the education given, to be sought after in the society by raising employees who have the knowledge and skills required by the age, can think freely, take responsibility, are cultured and constantly renew themselves. To train professional and technical personnel who are specialized in their fields, who constantly renew their knowledge by using the latest technological innovations and who take an active role in the labor market by combining their knowledge and skills with the understanding of responsible professionals and to have a share in shaping the world of the future through education, research and service to the society.


      With the decision of Iğdır University Senate dated 04.01.2013, it was decided to accept the opening of Tuzluca Vocational School and to offer it to the Council of Higher Education.

   The proposal of Iğdır University Rectorate regarding the establishment of Tuzluca Vocational School in Tuzluca District of Iğdır Province was examined at the Higher Education General Assembly meeting dated 02.05.2013 and it was approved in accordance with the article 7 / d-2 of the Law number 2547 amended by the Law number 2880; Tuzluca Vocational School was opened with the letter of the Council of Higher Education dated 15.05.2013, and a Director was appointed for the first time on 01.10.2013.